About our Annual and Sustainability Report
The home page contains the highlights of the past financial year, an interview with the EOS Group’s Board of Directors and a video with our highlights from 50 years of EOS. We put together key figures, financial insights and business results on the subpage “Our 2023/24 fiscal year”. On the page “Our responsibility 2023/24” you learn how EOS lives up to its corporate, social and ecological responsibility. The facts and figures in our report on environmental, social and governance aspects were prepared with reference to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): GRI Content Index Sustainability Report 2023/24.
Back to our anniversary: Employees share memories of 50 successful and eventful years on the subpages. Do take a look!
Our 2023/24 Report in brief
Our 2023/24 fiscal year
Read our Annual ReportOur responsibility
Read our Sustainability ReportAn interview with the EOS Board
Read the interviewThree questions for our new CFO
Watch the videoDigital and efficient: our specially developed debt collection software Kollecto+
More about Kollecto+Fair debt collection: How we find solutions for defaulting consumers
50 years of EOS: Growing together since 1974
We look back on half a century during which we have continuously developed ourselves and our business. Our success story has been written jointly by our many different employees.
Our mission: Changing finances for the better
A new lineup: Our Board of Directors
More than 6,000 people work at EOS and each one of them contributes to our success. The Board of Directors represents our values externally and inspires internally. In 2023/24 Dr. Stephan Ohlmeyer and Sebastian Pollmer were appointed as new members of the Board. We have another new face in the current fiscal year as Dr. Eva Griewel assumes the post as CFO of the EOS Group as of August 1, 2024.
New in the crew: Our new members of the Board
For 50 years we have been experts in non-performing receivables.
Two decades of successful collaboration
For more than 20 years, the IT service provider Konica Minolta has handed over receivables to EOS in Germany. Consequently, it can concentrate on its basic business. Watch the video to find out how EOS has helped Konica Minolta optimize its receivables management.